November 2024
November 14 2024
- UI: Service Accounts can be exported for use in external applications
- Each service account has read-only access to your table data and metadata
- Access is scoped to a single environment's data
- These can be used in tools that support BigQuery or BigQuery via ODBC.
- Agents: Connections can be monitored for disconnect or shutdown events
- Configure this option on the Connection details page
- Adjust the monitoring window as needed
- Emails are sent when the connectivity is lost or when connectivity is restored
- Agents: Improved the robustness of Connections that are restarted after updates were made while they were offline
- UI: Better handling of authentication for customers who have changed their email domain while using Ganymede
Bug Fixes
- UI: Fixed an issues where failed Flow Runs were being marked as Platform Error that had other causes
November 7 2024
- Virtualization: Virtualization sessions can now be paused and resumed, with all saved files retained
- Pausing a session will stop the session from running, retaining the files in the input and output folders
- Resuming a session will restart the session with files retained
Bug Fixes
- UI: Fixed an issue where Agent logs and status updates were not being displayed in real-time
- UI: Fixed an issue where queued flow runs would display the incorrect start time